On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Aaron Richton wrote:
As of 2.3.28, libldap's connections use TCP keepalives. You should be
able to configure your networking stack to get the desired behavior.
But the connection has yet to be made, so keepalives don't enter into it.
We're a homogenous FreeBSD shop, so I'd like to eliminate either FreeBSD
or OpenLDAP as a possibility before filing this as a bug with one or the
other. Can someone please do:
On client.example.net, set up ldap.conf with
URI ldap://server1.example.net ldap://server2.example.net
Server1, although resolving, does not run an LDAP server (and may not
phyically exist). If it's on the same subnet as the client, then so much
the better as that eliminates any router issues.
What I am seeing is a timeout of a minute before switching to Server2.