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Re: should I modify attribute definition in core.schema to suit my need?

Michael Ströder wrote:

>> our web application is designed to understand LDAP schema and provider
>> proper user interface for each syntax. Our web application can
>> understand syntax which is "Country
>> String", two printable string characters as listed in ISO 3166. For this
>> syntax the web application pops up a nice country selector. However when
>> user enter 'c' (for country, defined in core.schema as *Directory
>> String*) the web application treat it as all other Directory String,
>> which is an input box. The users, being confused, typed their country
>> name manually (like "American" or "U.S.A."), breaking compatibility
>> because 'c' should be two printable string characters as listed in ISO
>> 3166.
> I'd file an ITS for that.

This has already been discussed in the past.  Right now, OpenLDAP code
cannot accept the definition of "c" ("country") as in RFC4519 because
OpenLDAP erroneously requires attributes derived from a superior to have
exactly the same syntax of the superior.  In the case of RFC4519:2.2.

      ( NAME 'c'
         SUP name
         SINGLE-VALUE )

(note that 'country' is no longer listed), the syntax (Country String, RFC 4517:3.3.4.) is a
subset of the syntax of name (Directory String, RFC4519:2.18.), so the
inheritance with further syntax restriction should be accepted.

An ITS seems appropriate.


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

SysNet s.r.l.
via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office:  +39 02 23998309
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Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it