Dear all. In my installation it's required if someone logs in, he can
modify his own entry and can modify & delete & create entries of his own
entry, e.g.
login as: dn: ou=Support,o=Real Softservice
Then I should be able to modify & delete & create:
dn: cn=Wang Penghui,ou=Suport,o=Real Softservice
dn: cn=Zhang Weiwu,ou=Suport,o=Real Softservice
dn: cn=Wolfgang Scheuing,ou=Suport,o=Real Softservice
Looks like a simple requirement. Anyway I dug into ACL manual for days
without a clue (maybe also because of my bad English). Can anyone
provide a hint and simplified example? Thanks a lot in advance!
Zhang Weiwu
Real Softservice
+86 592 2091112