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Re: using jpegPhoto

> I came across the . Database Creation and Maintenance Tools at http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin23/dbtools.html which outlined 2 methods of storing jpegPhoto (towards the end of the documentation). One using base64 encode and the other using location indicated by URL:
>         jpegPhoto:: /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAAAAQABAAD/2wBDABALD
>          ERXRTc4UG1RV19iZ2hnPk1xeXBkeFxlZ2P/2wBDARESEhgVG
>         jpegPhoto:< file:///path/to/file.jpeg
> Which is the recommended method? Please advise.

I don't understand, they are exactly equivalent; watch it with ethereal.
Use whichever is more convenient for your application.