OpenLDAP version 2.0.25
This version of openldap is unbelievably old. As in years and years. You won't get a lot of support on this list for it. Sorry.
I have tried to follow the example in http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin22/dbtools.html
This is the admin guide for a version of openldap that's only a year or two out-of-date. Far newer than yours.
In my hans.ldif I have a line with: jpegPhoto: /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAAAAQABAAD/2wBDABALD and some more copied from the example.
Then I run the command: ldapadd -v -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=mmmanager,dc=org" -f hans.ldif and get the error: ldap_add: Object class violation additional info: attribute 'jpegPhoto' not allowed
Actually I want to add 'mail' or 'mailLocalAddress' but they give same error. I have gone trough /usr/share/openldap/schema/misc.schema and it looks like I have this 'mailLocalAddress'.
slapd.conf do include misc.schema.
If I remove the line with 'jpegPhoto' everything is fine.
What is missing?
Maybe they didn't have jpeg's that long ago. Maybe the schema is messed-up.
BTW, there is a typo in the manual. There is two colon after 'jpegPhoto::'
Two colons stand for utf8-encoded values. Check with the 'ldif' man page. It might not be valid for your version of openldap.