On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 16:10 -0400, Jeremiah Martell wrote:
> I have some simple code that uses libldap and tries to bind to a
> directory. With 2.2.17 it worked fine, but trying to use 2.3.20 it
> fails with this:
> url.c : 658 : desc2str : Assertion 'len >= 0' failed.
> Here's my code snippet:
> url.lud_host = "directory.example.com";
> url.lud_port = 389;
> url.lud_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE;
> url.lud_scheme = "ldap";
> url.lud_dn = "";
> ldapuri = ldap_url_desc2str( &url );
What's the status of the other members of the LDAPURLDesc structure?
Can you print it from inside gdb right where the failure occurs (e.g.
from the core file)?
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
Responsabile Open Solution
OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.n.c.
Via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office: +39.02.23998309
Mobile: +39.333.4963172
Email: pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it