Steve Feehan wrote:
Create an ldif file with the following content:
dn: ou=People,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us
ou: People
objectClass: organizationalUnit
Assuming the file is named people.ldif, you add it via the command:
ldapadd -x -D "cn=adam,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us" -W \
-h -f people.ldif
I hope I got all that right. ;)
Steve Feehan
Sorry, I'm getting the same error with that.
cat people.ldif
dn: ou=People,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us
ou: People
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ldapadd -x -D "cn=adam,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us" -W -h -f people.ldif
Enter LDAP Password:
adding new entry "ou=People,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us"
ldap_add: No such object (32)