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Re: import to openldap

Bringing this back on the mailing list...

On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 02:46:50PM +0100, T M wrote:

>im sorry but im not a linux guru and i really dont understand what you mean by
>> Change what you're trying to add so that everything is under your rootdn
>> and it should start to work.
>could you please tell me in a more straightforward way what exactly
>should i do? like "where under rootdn". is that something i should
>write into the conf file, or some directory or.. ?

Change the dn in your ldif file.

>> >> >adding new entry "cn=Ryvolová Ivana,mail=xryvi01@vse.cz"
>> >> >ldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53)
>> >> >        additional info: no global superior knowledge
>> So my comment in the last message is applicable to you.
>> >> Just from seeing the admin that you're binding as with a base of
>> >> 'dc=ireas,dc=cz' makes me wonder why you aren't trying to add
>> >> 'cn=Ryvolová Ivana,mail=xryvi01@vse.cz,dc=ireas,dc=cz'.
>> Change what you're trying to add so that everything is under your rootdn
>> and it should start to work.

Being more explicit, you need to change:
  "cn=Ryvolová Ivana,mail=xryvi01@vse.cz"
  "cn=Ryvolová Ivana,mail=xryvi01@vse.cz,dc=ireas,dc=cz"

There should be a 'dc=ireas,dc=cz' object as the base of the directory.
Then there needs to be an object inside of it named
'mail=xryvi01@vse.cz,dc=ireas,dc=cz'.  Then finally, the object that you
are trying to create will be 
"cn=Ryvolová Ivana,mail=xryvi01@vse.cz,dc=ireas,dc=cz".

I do think that you're going about this in a slightly wrong manner.  I
think it should be:
  "cn=Ryvolová Ivana,dc=ireas,dc=cz"
and mail should be one of the attributes in the "cn=Ryvolová Ivana"

Show us the ldif you're trying to import.  That will clear up a lot of
things and give us something to make changes to in order to make it
clearer for you.
Regards...		Todd
we're off on the usual strange tangents.  next will be whether
it is ethical to walk in your neighbor's open house if they're
running ipv6:-).                                  --Randy Bush
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