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Re: Internal (implementation specific) error (80)

On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 17:59 +0100, Fabien Germain wrote:
> I'm moving my current OpenLDAP to a new server. Old and new servers
> are both RHEL 4, with OpenLDAP v2.2.13. I copied /var/lib/openldap/*
> (dirty, I know, but it works) 

The rest of your posting rathers suggests that it doesn't!  You are also
running an old version and might want to consider an upgrade to 2.3.19
(via the slapcat/slapadd method)

> ldap_add: Internal (implementation specific) error (80)
>         additional info: index generation failed

I've seen that error when index files have wrong owner/permissions.
After running slapindex ensure that all files in the db directories are
readable and writable by the user slapd runs as.


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