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Ldap schema error

i use Fedora 4 , ldap 2.3.11
i tried to write a local.schema and i added include path_to/local.schema into the slapd.conf, when the slapd start it reports the following error:
path_to/local.schema: line 1: Missing closing parenthesis before a/local.schema
AttributeTypeDescription = "(" whsp
  numericoid whsp      ; AttributeType identifier
  [ "NAME" qdescrs ]             ; name used in AttributeType
  [ "DESC" qdstring ]            ; description
  [ "OBSOLETE" whsp ]
  [ "SUP" woid ]                 ; derived from this other
                                   ; AttributeType
  [ "EQUALITY" woid ]            ; Matching Rule name
  [ "ORDERING" woid ]            ; Matching Rule name
  [ "SUBSTR" woid ]              ; Matching Rule name
  [ "SYNTAX" whsp noidlen whsp ] ; see section 4.3
  [ "SINGLE-VALUE" whsp ]        ; default multi-valued
  [ "COLLECTIVE" whsp ]          ; default not collective
  [ "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" whsp ]; default user modifiable
  [ "USAGE" whsp AttributeUsage ]; default userApplications
                                   ; userApplications
                                   ; directoryOperation
                                   ; distributedOperation
                                   ; dSAOperation
  whsp ")"
slapd stopped.
here is the local.schema file:
attributeType( NAME 'name'
DESC 'name(s) associated with the object'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
SYNTAX{32768} )
attributeType( NAME  'cn'
DESC 'common name(s) assciated with the object'
SUP name )
attributeType ( NAME  'dn'
DESC 'distinguished name(s) assciated with the object'
SUP name )
i hope u can help!