Hello again,
someone tells me this:
16:51 *»* SELECT ldap_entries.id,groups.id,text('posixGroup') AS
objectClass,ldap_entries.dn AS dn FROM +ldap_entries,groups,ldap_entry_objclasses,posix_account,groups_users
WHERE groups.id=ldap_entries.keyval AND ldap_entries.oc_map_id=4 AND 9=9 AND
+groups_users.memberuid=posix_account.uidnumber AND groups_users.gidnumber=groups.gidnumber AND ((2=2) AND
((upper(posix_account.uid)='LML23') OR 7=7));
16:51 ** omg
16:52 *»* 14 Seconds, originally says SELECt DISTINCT -> 900 seconds
16:52 ** its combining 5 tables in an outside join
16:52 *»* yes
16:53 *»* my conclusion 2h ago had been: rewrite the query generator. I fear this is still true
16:54 ** yes and whoever re-writes it needs to understand joins properly
16:55 *»* this might be a problem, then. :->
16:58 ** this I think is the same query written with joins
select ldap_entries.id,groups.id,text('posixGroup') AS
objectClass,ldap_entries.dn AS dn FROM ldap_entries join groups on
groups.id = ldap_entries.keyval join groups_users on
groups_users.gidnumber=groups.gidnumber join posix_account on
posix_account.uidnumber = groups_users.memberuid where
ldap_entries.oc_map_id=4 AND (upper(posix_account.uid)='LML23')
17:04 *»* a) it runs only a split of a second
17:05 ** does it return the same results ?
17:05 *»* b) it gives only 3 line sof results, the other query gave
these 3 lines over and over
17:05 *»* so after the distinct it is the same
Iam not an C - programmer, but my question is it is possible to rewrite the
query generator to get faster sql?