$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Manager,o=Example" -w secret dn: cn=Subschema add: objectClasses objectClasses: ( NAME 'fooObjectClass' DESC 'Boo' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ objectclass ) )
modifying entry "cn=Subschema" ldap_modify: Invalid syntax (21) additional info: objectClasses: value #0 invalid per syntax
It's objectClass, not objectClasses, last time I read a schema.
Attribute objectClasses for reading, but objectClass for writing?? Are you're sure? I tried that, but unfortunately that doesn'nt help either.
I really want to change cn=Subschema, not cn=Schema,cn=config (Actually, the entry specified by subschemaSubentry in RootDSE) IIRC this ia also the "usual" way like e.g. iPlanet does this.