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Re: Invalid Credentials error for a Bind DN with spl. character

Using the following suffix, rootDN works better.  Thanks for the suggestion.
suffix "O=VeriSign\\2C Inc., C=US"
rootdn "cn=Manager,O=VeriSign\\2C Inc.,C=US"
I can bind fine with ldapsearch and LDIF update worked fine too.  
ldapsearch -x -b "o=VeriSign\, Inc.,c=US" -D "cn=Manager,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,c=US" -w secret
ldapadd -a -h localhost -p 389 -v -x -D "cn=Manager,o=VeriSign\, Inc.,c=US" -w secret -f DITSSL.ldif
Could you please verify whether the ldif contents looks fine?
dn: O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US
changetype: Add
objectclass: top
objectclass: organization
O: VeriSign, Inc.
dn: cn=Manager,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US
changetype: Add
objectclass: organizationalRole
cn: Manager
dn: OU = Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority, O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US
changetype: Add
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
Thanks for the quick response. 

Pierangelo Masarati <ando@sys-net.it> wrote:

> I am running openLDAP 2.2.26 in Windows XP. I am using the build made by
> Lucas http://bergmans.us/list/openldap-windows/. I have configured
> slapd.conf to use ldbm database (was wondering if the issue I saw has
> anything to do with the database in use :-)
> Earlier, I was using 256 as debug level. After your suggestion, I changed
> it to -1 (All debug).
> During startup, I could see openLDAP reading the suffix as "o=VeriSign\2C
> Inc.,c=US" but rootDN as "cn=Manager,o=VeriSign2C Inc.,c=US" (note there
> is no backslash in O value). So I tried doing a ldapsearch w/o backslash
> for the bind DN and it worked.
> Is this an expected behavior? I don't know if I mentioned earlier, I have
> the following entries in slapd.conf for suffix and rootDN.
> suffix "O=VeriSign\2C Inc., C=US"
> rootdn "cn=Manager,O=VeriSign\2C Inc.,C=US"

This sounds odd, because slapd interprets "\" as an escape char when
parsing strings; you should really use

suffix "O=VeriSign\\2C Inc., C=US"
rootdn "cn=Manager,O=VeriSign\\2C Inc.,C=US"

to get the string you intend. but the same should apply to both
directives. Can you cross-check?


Pierangelo Masarati

SysNet - via Dossi,8 27100 Pavia Tel: +390382573859 Fax: +390382476497

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