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Re: Which OS

I don't think the ditro matters, but I would recommend controlling the
openldap and dependency builds (berkley db, perl, whatever) yourself
so you don't have to worry about which distro does what.

Actually, I would recommend this for any production application. 
Relying on OS vendors to keep up with applications is a dumb policy.

p.s. NetBSD is better than any linux distro.  ;)

On 5/31/05, Edward De Jongh <Edwardd@discovery.co.za> wrote:
> Hi all we are about to deploy OpenLDAP to production and would like to
> know which linux OS is the best. I appreciate that this usually boils
> down to personal preference, but would still like to hear from this
> group before we make a final decision. I have built and deployed
> everything on RHES3 and must say it was far from pretty and seemed much
> more difficult than my original Debian implementation. Now that we are
> about to go live I approached our linux admins and they were horrified
> at the thought of going with RH and gave some reasons, but nothing
> substantial. Any advice, thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> ed