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ldap_start_tls_s core dumped in Solaris2.8

Hello, I installed OpenSSL (openssl-0.9.7f-sol8-sparc-local) = package from www.sunfreeware.com And I painfully built openldap 2.2.23 with tls = support in my solaris2.8 platform?. I need to make ldap queries under ssl to an external = ldaps server. Everything works fine with ldapsearch ?zz from command = line but when I use a cpp program that I wrote, it = core-dumps. As ldapsearch ?zz works, I assume that the tls configuration (certificate location, etc?) is = ok. The extract of my source code = is: = = ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = ///////// Initialize OpenLDAP library under SSL = conection = ///////// and set LDAP version to 3 = LDAP * pLDAP; = pLDAP = ldap_init( host, port ); = if ( pLDAP == NULL ) { =   printf("ldapssl_init() failed" ); =   return (Error)LDAPSSL_INIT_FAILED; = } // if ( pLDAP == NULL ) { = this->SetLDAP(pLDAP); = printf("ldap_init() init ok"); = static Uint32 version = LDAP_VERSION3; = rc = ldap_set_option (pLDAP, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, = (void*)&version); = rc = ldap_start_tls_s(pLDAP, NULL, NULL); // The above call seems to core = dump? // the same code runs ok in Linux RHES 3.0 Any hint? Any alternative to using openldap+openssl to make = ldap queries under ssl in solaris2.8?? Thanks, Pete.