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Re: result counter problem from ldapsearch

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>Dear all,
>I installed OpenLDAP version 2.2.23 on RedHat 7.3 and created a tree.
>Nevertheless, I always obtain "result: 0 Success" from ldapsearch result
>but actually it return an entry to me. Is there any setting or problem
>with OpenLDAP I need to set in order to make the search result counter
>works? Thx.
>Below is the output of the ldapsearch.
>ldap_initialize( ldap:// <ldap://>  )
>filter: (cn=tester*)
>requesting: ALL
># extended LDIF
># LDAPv3
># base <dc=example,dc=com> with scope sub
># filter: (cn=tester*)
># requesting: ALL
># tester, example.com
>dn: cn=tester,dc=example,dc=com
>mail: tester <mailto:tester@example.com> @example.com
>sn: tester
>cn: tester
>objectClass: inetOrgPerson
>objectClass: organizationalPerson
>objectClass: person
>uid: tester
>ou: manager
>userPassword:: e01ENX16QVBuUjZhdnU4djR2blpvclA2KzVRPT0=
># search result
>search: 2
>result: 0 Success
># numResponses: 2
># numEntries: 1