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[announce] Mailing list about OpenLDAP in Italian

Based on generic interest, and after some discussion with Mirko Grava <ops@klez.it>, a mailing list in Italian about the use of OpenLDAP software has been activated at the address <openldap@sys-net.it> (<http://www.sys-net.it/mailman/listinfo/openldap/>). It is intended as a forum for those that want to discuss in Italian about OpenLDAP use in a broad sense, with the ambitious target of spreading its use as much as possible in the Italian SME and Government agencies. As such, it is __not__ intended as a replacement of the official mailing lists, mainly of <openldap-software@openldap.org>.

The mailing list is hosted by SysNet and I'm the administrator; this by no means represents an endorsement by SysNet or by any other company; SysNet is donating the bandwidth. Currently, the list is not moderated.

The charter (in Italian) is reported below.

Sincerely, p.


Questa lista rappresenta un forum di discussione sull'uso del software OpenLDAP <http://www.openldap.org/> in italiano; non intende in alcun modo sostituire le mailing list <http://www.openldap.org/lists/> ufficiali (in inglese) ma, al contrario, rappresentarne un utile complemento per chi preferisce discutere questi argomenti in italiano.

L'iscrizione alla lista è del tutto libera e gratuita, e non impegna in alcun modo né gli utenti né SysNet.

La partecipazione alle discussioni avviene su base strettamente volontaria, e ognuno deve ritenersi responsabile delle affermazioni contenute nei messaggi. Gli archivi dei messaggi sono accessibili pubblicamente, e l'indirizzo di posta elettronica del mittente non viene rimosso.

SysNet - via Dossi,8 27100 Pavia Tel: +390382573859 Fax: +390382476497