jk uxt wrote:
and dont forget about the jack-offs that criticize and
try to exemplify - only making the open source
community that much more elitist and full of a bunch
of asses that should have kept thier mouth shut and
just answred the question and not commented on any
ones skill set --
I couldn't possibly have said it better myself.
I answered the question, what helpful thing have you done?
people have different skill sets, different learningIf you think that reading someone's entire question before posting a reply constitutes "doing a thesis" then you're either stupid or lazy. When a question comes across the list and the only information you have available about the problem is what the poster provided, then you are doing everyone a disservice by not taking it all into account.
curves - and NO openldap is not documented so all can
use it - YES there is a freaking learning curve - and
dont expect everyone that posts an answer out of good
intention to have done a thesis reviewing the question
Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com> Nick, OpenLDAP-softw.
Try reading what's in your config files again and noticing that "dc=shuba,dc=com" in the master doesn't match "dc=frontbridge,dc=com "in the slave, and that the master's binddn doesn't match the slave's updatedn, or that the slave's updatedn "dc=frontbridge,dc=org" doesn't match the slave's suffix "dc=frontbridge,dc=com".
Configuring software isn't that hard, if you pay attention.
Free/Open source gets a lot of bad press because people say (a) it's poorly documented, (b) it's hard to understand, and (c) you always get conflicting answers when you ask for help on the mailing lists / newsgroups.
All of the information needed to use OpenLDAP effectively is published as widely as possible. The cause of most of these problems comes down to people not reading carefully, both the people asking the questions in the first place and the people offering incorrect solutions.
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-- -- Howard Chu Chief Architect, Symas Corp. Director, Highland Sun http://www.symas.com http://highlandsun.com/hyc Symas: Premier OpenSource Development and Support