Using Ryan Matteson's cool "" script, I discovered I had an
unindexed attribute "uid". So, I update slapd.conf and run slapindex, yet
I'm still seeing these in the log:
Jan 20 14:38:34 guido slapd[56151]: <= bdb_substring_candidates: (uid)
index_param failed (18)
Yes, I shut down SLAPD :-)
index employeeNumber,uid,sn,cn,ciApp,ciHost eq,pres,sub
(was just "eq,pres")
ldapsearch -C -v -LLL -H "$LDAPURI" "(&(objectClass=ciEmployee)(uid=dave*))" \
dn uid cn sn telephoneNumber
The odd thing was, it improved wall-clock time by an order of magnitude,
so it did *something*.