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Re: How to configure Openldap to pass-through Kerberos tickets from Active Directory? < Virus checked >

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Florian Preuss wrote:

| The way it should work:
| A user logs in on the Linux Client. The Client looks in the OpenLDAP
| database and the OpenLDAP server directs the password
| to the Active Directory, which generates a ticket and send it back to
| OpenLDAP and this passes it through to the client.
As Quanah already pointed out, you do not want this.

| I read something about configuring the user accounts in OpenLDAP with
| {SASL}user@domain.com or {KERBEROS}user@domain.com.
| Can anyone help me to get this working???
It would be helpful if you could elaborate a bit on "something" and what
you have not understood about {SASL}user@domain.com and friends.

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