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Hi i have the following ldap code which, using ssl attempts to bind to a server.

=========== start code ===============

if (ldapssl_clientauth_init( "./cert7.db", NULL,
	0, NULL, NULL) < -1){
	perror( "ldap_clientauth_init" );
    return( 1 );

/*if (ldapssl_client_init( "./cert7.db", NULL )< 0) {
	printf( "Failed to initialize SSL client...\n" );
  return( 1 );

/* get a handle to an LDAP connection */
if ( (ld = ldapssl_init( HOSTNAME, LDAPS_PORT, 1 )) == NULL ){
  perror( "ldapssl_init" );
  return( 1 );

/* Print out an informational message. */

printf( "Binding to server %s:%d\n", HOSTNAME, PORT_NUMBER );

printf( "as the DN %s ...\n", BIND_DN );

/* Bind to the LDAP server. */

rc = ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, BIND_DN, BIND_PW );

if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {

   fprintf(stderr, "ldap_simple_bind_s: %s\n\n", ldap_err2string(rc));

   return( 1 );

} else {

   printf( "Bind operation successful.\n" );

=========== end code ===============

i get the following output

Binding to server hostname:636
as the DN CN=administrator,CN=Users,DC=rtest,DC=qub,DC=ac,DC=uk ...
ldap_simple_bind_s: Can't contact LDAP server

so i know where its kickin its heels up question is why is it?

now to the best of my knowledge i have installed a certificate onto the server
(using openssl i gen'd a key then a csr then used my domains root CA to sign it then formated it to pcks12 then installed it onto the server)
i have also installed the domain root on my machine

Am i missing something out here?

any help would be appreciated...

Ronan McGlue
Information Services
Queens University Belfast