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Re: monitor-jp.pl and Openldap 2.1

thanks a lot for your contribution.
I've updated the page concerning the graph of the openldap 2.2.X monitor database values through mrtg/rrdtools

hopefully one day, I'll integrate all this in cacti & nagios  ! ....

Spyridon Iliopoulos wrote:

thank you very much for the Guide. I am using it and its working
fine. But in the OpenLDAP Version 2.2.x the Developers changed the
Monitoring Backend, so that the monitor-jp.pl Script doesn't work. After using lot of ldapsearch, internet, source code,... i finally have a version who works with the new openldap version.
Also i changed it , to use LDAPS over Port 636 or 389 ans
starttls. Kerberos GSSAPI is difficult because of Tickets expiring after
a few days, I send the modified Script in the hope to save hours of
searching and testing.

Thank you very much.



# Usage in english !
# no argument -> return result in stdout
# 1st arg=0 -> stdout in csv format
# 1st arg=1 -> same as 0 with header line describing the fields
# arg1=mrtg + arg2=valXXXX where xxxx is in TotConnexions ... cf calls to
# &RecupSimple below in the source !
# example ./monitor-jp.pl mrtg valTotConnexions
# or for single value mrtg extract (no header):
# ./monitor-jp.pl 0 mrtg valTotConnexions
# below original french "usage"
# monitor.pl
# monitor le serveur LDAP local
# retourne les infos en stdout
# si pas de parametres, on affiche avec baratin
# si parametre = 0, les infos sont sorties dans une ligne CSV
# si parametre = 1, idem 0 avec une ligne en entete (donne signification des champs)
# Pour mrtg -> donner le parametre mrtg suivit d'une valeur a monitorer
# valuer dont le nom doit etre du type valTotConnexions ($arg =~ "^val") !.
# cf section if($mrtg) 2eme argument de &RecupSimple(); -> aameliorer ...
use strict; use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAPS;
use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
use Authen::SASL;
#use Carp 'verbose';

use Switch;
use vars qw( $connLDAP %Result $Discret $AffConn $Entete $mrtg $mrtgval);

 my ($DNConn, $PassConn, $BaseDN);
 my ($Serveur, $Port);
 my ($arg);
 $Serveur = "";
 $Port = 389;
 $DNConn = "";
 $PassConn = "";
 $BaseDN = "cn=Monitor";

 $Discret = 1 if (($ARGV[0] eq "0") ||($ARGV[0] eq "1"));
 $Entete = 1 if ($ARGV[0] eq "1");
foreach $arg (@ARGV){
       if ($arg eq "mrtg"){$mrtg=1;}
       elsif ($arg =~ "^val") {$mrtgval=$arg;}

 #$connLDAP = new Net::LDAPS($Serveur, version=> 3, capath => '/etc/ssl/certs') || die "probleme $!\n";
 #$connLDAP->bind ( dn       => $DNConn, password  => $PassConn ) || die "probleme $! ",$@;

$connLDAP = Net::LDAP->new( $Serveur,version => 3 , port => 389, debug => '0', onerror => 'warn')|| die "LDAP error: $@\n";

$connLDAP->start_tls(verify => 'require',sslversion => 'tlsv1',capath => '/etc/ssl/certs/')|| die "probleme $! ",$@;
#my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new( 'GSSAPI',callback => {user => sub { '' }});

#my $ldapmsg = $connLDAP->bind(sasl => $sasl);
my $ldapmsg=$connLDAP->bind ( dn       => $DNConn , password  => $PassConn ) || die "probleme $! ",$@;
##my $ldapmsg=$connLDAP->bind  || die "probleme $! ",$@;

$ldapmsg->code() &&  die "[",$ldapmsg->code(), "]", $ldapmsg->error;
 if ($mrtg){
       switch ($mrtgval) {
       case "valTotConnexions"
       {&RecupSimple("cn=Total,cn=Connections,cn=monitor", "TotConnexions")}
       case "valTotSearch"
       {&RecupSimple("cn=Search,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotSearch")}
       case "valTotAdd"
       {&RecupSimple("cn=Add,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "monitorOpCompleted")}
       case "valTotModify"
       {&RecupSimple("cn=Modify,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotModify")}
       {&RecupSimple("cn=Delete,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotDelete")}
       {&RecupSimple("cn=Bind,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotBind")}
       case "valTotBytes"
       {&RecupSimple("cn=Bytes,cn=Statistics,cn=Monitor", "TotBytes")}
       case "valTotPDU"
       {&RecupSimple("cn=PDU,cn=Statistics,cn=Monitor", "TotPDU")}
       else { print "entrez apres l'argument mrtg une valeur a monitorer: valTotConnexions, valTotSearch ...\nEnter after the mrtg argument, a value that you want to monitor, value starting with valXXXX, ei valTotConnexions, valTotSearch ...\n"}
 &RecupSimple("cn=Total,cn=Connections,cn=Monitor", "TotConnexions");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Current,cn=Connections,cn=Monitor", "CurrentConnexions");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Threads,cn=Monitor", "NumThreads","max=");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Read,cn=Waiters,cn=Monitor", "ReadWaiters" );
 &RecupSimple("cn=Write,cn=Waiters,cn=Monitor", "WriteWaiters");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Bytes,cn=Statistics,cn=Monitor", "TotBytes");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Entries,cn=Statistics,cn=Monitor", "TotEntries");
 &RecupSimple("cn=PDU,cn=Statistics,cn=Monitor", "TotPDU");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Extended,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotOperations");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Add,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotAdd");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Bind,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotBind");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Compare,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotCompare");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Delete,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotDelete");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Modify,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotModify");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Search,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotSearch");
 &RecupSimple("cn=Unbind,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor", "TotUnbind");
#  &RecupAllConn("cn=Connections,cn=Monitor") if (! $Discret);
 &PrintEntete() if ($Entete);
 &PrintLigne() if ($Discret);

sub RecupSimple { my($mesg, $entry, $BaseDN, $NomInfo, $Info, $Filtre);

 $BaseDN = shift;
 $NomInfo = shift;
 $Filtre = shift;
 $mesg = $connLDAP->search (
                     base => $BaseDN,
                     scope => "sub",
                     filter => "(objectclass=*)",
                     attrs =>  ['monitorCounter','monitoredInfo']
                     ) or die (" Echec de recherche sur search.$!");
$entry = $mesg->entry(0);

#Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );

if ($BaseDN=="cn=Threads,cn=Monitor"){
$Info = $entry->get_value( 'monitoredInfo' );
} $Info = $entry->get_value( 'monitorCounter' );

     if( !defined $Info ){
        $Info = $entry->get_value( 'monitorOpCompleted' );

if ($Filtre ne "")
$Info =~ /$Filtre(.*)/;
$Info = $1;
print "$NomInfo : $Info\n" if (! $Discret);
print "$Info\n" if ($mrtg);
$Result{$NomInfo} = $Info;
sub RecupAllConn
my($mesg, $entry, $BaseDN, $Info, $LeDN, $LaConn);

 $BaseDN = shift;

 print "\n***************** Connexions courantes *************************\n";
 $mesg = $connLDAP->search (
                     base => $BaseDN,
                     scope => "one",
                     filter => "(objectclass=*)",
                      attrs => "monitorCounter"
                     ) or die (" Echec de recherche sur search.$!");
foreach $entry ($mesg->all_entries){
   $LeDN = $entry->get_value( 'dn' );
   if ($LeDN =~ /cn=connection (.*),cn=connec/i)
     $LaConn = $1;
     print "$LeDN\n";
     $Info = $entry->get_value( 'monitorCounter');
     print "**     $Info\n";

sub PrintLigne
   $Heure = GetDateHeure();
   print "$Heure;$Result{TotConnexions};$Result{CurrentConnexions}";
   print ";$Result{TotEntries};$Result{TotBytes};$Result{TotOperations}";
   print ";$Result{TotBind};$Result{TotSearch};$Result{TotAdd};$Result{TotDelete}";
   print ";$Result{TotModify};$Result{TotCompare}\n";

sub PrintEntete
   print "Date;TotConn;CurrConn;TotEntries;TotBytes;TotOpe;TotBind;TotSearch;TotAdd";
   print ";TotDel;TotMod;TotComp\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --            Fonction GetDateHeure                                       --
# retourne la date du jour en format JJ/MM/AAAA:HHMM                         -
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub GetDateHeure
   my ($dateE, $an);
   my ($sec, $min, $heure, $mjour, $mois, $annee, $sjour, $ajour, $isdst) = localtime(time);
   $an = 1900 + $annee;
   if (length($mois) == 1)
     {$mois = "0" . $mois; }
   if (length($mjour) == 1)
     {$mjour = "0" . $mjour; }
   if (length($heure) == 1)
     {$heure = "0" . $heure; }
   if (length($min) == 1)
     {$min = "0" . $min; }
   $dateE = "$mjour/$mois/$an:$heure$min";
   return $dateE;