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Problem using the modifyTimestamp Attribute


I believe I have a problem with the built-in attribute modifyTimestamp.

When I add the attribute to an objectclass, it will complain to me that
"user-defined ObjectClass has inappropriate SUPerior"

Through divide and conquer, I realised that modifyTimestamp attribute is
the one that gives me the error.

What am I missing here?

Object Class
objectclass (
        NAME 'pgpUserID' AUXILIARY
        MUST  ( objectclass $ pgpCertID $ pgpDisabled $ pgpKeyID $
        pgpKeyType $ pgpUserID $ pgpKeyCreateTime $ pgpSignerID $
        pgpRevoked $ pgpKeySize $ pgpKeyExpireTime $ modifyTimestamp )
        MAY  ( pgpSubKeyID ) )

Restart the ldap server after inserting the modifyTimestamp

debianTest:/etc/ldap/schema# /etc/init.d/slapd restart
Stopping OpenLDAP: slapd.
Starting OpenLDAP: slapd - failed:
/etc/ldap/schema/pgp-keyserver.schema: line 154: user-defined
ObjectClass has inappropriate SUPerior: "( NAME
'pgpUserID' AUXILIARY MUST ( objectclass $ pgpCertID $ pgpDisabled $
pgpKeyID $ pgpKeyType $ pgpUserID $ pgpKeyCreateTime $ pgpSignerID $
pgpRevoked $ pgpKeySize $ pgpKeyExpireTime $ modifyTimestamp ) MAY (
pgpSubKeyID ) ) #MUST ( objectclass $ pgpCertID $ pgpDisabled $ pgpKeyID
$ pgpKeyType $ pgpUserID $ pgpKeyCreateTime $ pgpSignerID $ pgpRevoked $
pgpKeySize $ pgpKeyExpireTime $ modifyTimestamp)"
