Brad Midgley wrote:
I'm trying to allow updates through back-sql. I have add_proc for telephoneNumber defined as:
'update utahlink..educator set phone=? where teacher_id=convert(integer,?)'
Does that look ok with the parameters? param_order is 3 by the way. I have to convert(integer,?) numbers because all numbers are getting bound as varchars by freetds. (yes, it's a pain.)
s..t happens :) Anyway, I note from the code that the parameter is bound as char only if compiled with -DBACKSQL_ARBITRARY_KEY (something that must be defined manually); otherwise the default is to bind as integer.
The update looks like:
$ ldapmodify -H ldap:// -D uid=admin,dc=my,dc=uen,dc=org -x -W -f ~/mid modifying entry "uid=bmidgley,dc=my,dc=uen,dc=org"
$ cat mid dn: uid=bmidgley,dc=my,dc=uen,dc=org telephoneNumber: 801-555-5555
But then the freetds log shows that it is being executed as:
update utahlink..educator set phone='' where teacher_id=convert(integer,'74032')
The value of the phone number is nowhere to be found in what's being executed. Any idea what happened?
Which part of add.c should I look at?
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