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Fw: sasl-regex and realm with digest-md5


I new to configuring ldap and have been trying out a few things. I have
managed to get sasl working with md5 ok.

what I am confused about it the roll o sasl-realm with respect to

I have the following in my slapd.conf

sasl-regexp uid=(.*),cn=localhost.localdomain,cn=DIGEST-MD5,cn=auth

I noticed that when I run ldapsearch as :

 ldapsearch -d255  -U updater   -Y DIGEST-MD5    -H ldap://
the realm is infact set to localhost.localdomain.

but  the slapd trace shows

slap_sasl2dn: converting SASL name uid=updater,cn=digest-md5,cn=auth

note realm missing..

but when I add

sasl-realm  localhost.localdomain to slapd.conf

slap_sasl_getdn: u:id converted to

by realm is now included and the match occurs.

and id get the converted dn
slap_sasl_getdn: u:id converted to
-> do_bind: SASL/DIGEST-MD5 bind:
dn="uid=updater,ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com" ssf=1

I would have thought it would have done the later by picking up the realm
from the request.

I tried adding -R realm  and -U user@Realm  but no luck...

Regards, Dale............
