tir, 31.08.2004 kl. 03.59 skrev Bala:
I am testing out openldap to store user
details and authendication information for qmail,
in that I want to make user email address as unique.
ie, while adding new user, if the email address
already exist in the ldap db, then it should give
error and should not be get added, how to do that??
or just point me where to read more about this??
which part of config file and schema need to be
This is a Unix sysadmin question, not an Openldap question. I just added
1100+ users to an Openldap DIT from a list of first, middle, last names
using 100% awk to make the ldif file and giving the uids it produced to
sort. Amazing how many jdevries'es there are in Holland ;)