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Re: ldapmodify

I am still working on this.  I've tried with and without dashes.  I've tried 
with and without the -a switch of ldapmodify.  I've tried dn: 
cn=<x>,dc=<y>,dc=<z>, I've tried using uid= instead of cn=.  I think I might 
be running into some compatibility issue because I'm using openldap 2.2.6.  
If anyone knows some tutorial about ldapmodify I would be really grateful.  I 
have RTFM, and my syntax really seems to be exactly what is mentioned there!

Frustratedly yours,
On Monday 16 August 2004 06:44, Peter Marschall wrote:
> Hi,
> please stay on the list !

> They aren't entries but attributes of an entry that get updated.
> The fact that you add the objectclass containing these attributes tells
> that these attributes aren't present in the entry.
> Using replace instead of add does no harm here since replace changes all
> values of the attribute to those listed in the LDIF file.

> AFAICT yes but you need to have ha plain LDIF file without the
> changetype: line. In this case the option -a for ldapmodify adds
> the attribute values instead of replacing them
> I.e. without -a the entry
>   dn: cn=Joe Schmo,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
>   uid: joe
>   userPassword: {crypt}7FZxyiS7L2E9I
> is equivalent to
>   dn: cn=Joe Schmo,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
>   changetype: modify
>   replace: uid
>   uid: joe
>   -
>   replace: userPassword
>   userPassword: {crypt}7FZxyiS7L2E9I
> while with -a it is equivalent to
>   dn: cn=Joe Schmo,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
>   changetype: modify
>   add: uid
>   uid: joe
>   -
>   add: userPassword
>   userPassword: {crypt}7FZxyiS7L2E9I
> Peter