I'm running Openldap 2.2.13 on RedHat Linux AS 3.0.
I have some trouble to define access control with the directive "set=".
I read the FAQ on http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/452.html.
If I understood well, the "set" have to be non-empty to fire the rule.
Here my list of acces control :
### ACLs ###
access to attrs=userPassword
by self write
by anonymous auth
# must give the access to everybody
access to dn.subtree="cn=gda,ou=applications,o=toto"
by set=user read
by set=[toto] read
by * none
access to *
by users read
by anonymous auth
### /ACLs ###
The second one give me nothing.
Did I forget a compilation option to use "set" directive, or something else ?
Thanks for your help.
Patrick BREHIN
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