Jonathan Coles wrote:
Howard Chu wrote:
So - "What is this tree?" - the tree is the structure you design to contain the data you're going to store. Schema is just a description of what kinds of data will be recognized by the server, but it doesn't say anything about the location of the data. The tree structure gives you the location.
But WHERE is this structure I design? Is it the statements in my LDIF file?
Is it in slapd.conf? That file includes a suffix statement
thats where your tree starts.
and some include statements for schema files. Is the schema the definition of the hierarchy?
I understand the concept of hierarchy. Do I have to define everything up to the entire universe? There is an "objectClass: top" statement that should allow me to stop at some lower level.
My hierarchy is:
This database
Users with attributes such as email address, phone number, etc.
My suffix statement (organization is the top of my hierarchy): suffix o=MyOrg
My LDIF (just one user entry):
dn: o=MyOrg objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: organization o: MyOrg
dn: cn=A User,o=MyOrg objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: organization givenName: A sn: User cn: A User mail: o: MyOrg
I run:
ldapadd -v -f /home/jont/ldap/myaddr.ldif -h thispc -p 389 -x
maybe: ldapadd -x -b 'o=MyOrg' -p 389 -h thispc -f /home/jont/ldap/myaddr.ldif
hth Paul