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Searching with an alias object in the search base?


I'm having a problem with searching with the dn of an alias-object as part
of the search-base. I'm using openldap version 2.2.14 with bdb.
When I try to retrieve an object which has a parent with an alias-object
pointing to it, it seems not to be possible to use the DN of the aliasobject
in the search base.

ie, with the objects below, a search like
ldapsearch -s base -a always -b
would not return the object "dc=subdomain, dc=domain, dc=tld, ou=domains,
customer=customerid, ou=customers, <suffix>"

The alias itself works fine, the search
ldapsearch -s base -a always -b
does return the object "dc=domain, dc=tld, ou=domains, customer=customerid,
ou=customers, <suffix>"

(Note: my current production system uses openldap version 2.0.23 with ldbm,
and it does return both objects)

dn: dc=domain, dc=tld, ou=domains, customer=customerid, ou=customers,
objectClass: dnsDomain

dn: dc=subdomain, dc=domain, dc=tld, ou=domains, customer=customerid,
ou=customers, <suffix>
objectClass: dnsDomain

dn: dc=domain, dc=tld, ou=domains, ou=systemOverview, <suffix>
objectClass: alias
objectClass: extensibleObject
dc: domain
aliasedObjectName: dc=domain, dc=tld, ou=domains, customer=customerid,
ou=customers, <suffix>

Egbert Groot.