I fully agree with Buchans remarks about
commented default config files. this is the first space of interaction
for most beginners
pierangelo has a point about defaults
hiding knowledge - I just believe that this is something all (reasonable)
users take into account when going with defaults
but the openldap space is certainly
big, and certainly no default configuration file or examples can cover
it all.
hence one could think of a segmentation
of the big openldap space into the following areas:
1) pre-openldap-stable releases
leave it to third
party vendors (redhat, apple, sun etc) to configure and document their
packages as necessary
2) openldap-stable-release
provide sensible
"works for most to get started" default configfiles and describe
example configurations with appropriate disclaimers and pointers to further
3) post-openldap-stable or cvs versions
firmly refer to
the docs, the man pages and the mailinglist
e.g. over the past months, the "bdb
vs ldbm" question seems to have been resolved once and for all
yet, to my knowledge, we still don't
have a clear sign anywhere saying
"unless you know better, use openldap
with bdb backend (and compile bdb 4.2.52 with the latest two patches)"
it is these known-to-be-true things
that most people starting with openldap have a difficult time finding out
by sifting through mailing list archives
e.g. it is hard for beginners to determine these answers - how shoulds
you weigh different replies from people that you dont know of?
openldap-sanctioned default config files
and easy to follow examples configurations could be a valuable guide around
these stumbling blocks
Buchan Milne <bgmilne@obsidian.co.za>
04-06-15 12.57
Frank Hoffsummer <frank.hoffsummer@svt.se>,
Re: Ang. RE: Bdb defaults
- WAS: problem importing entries.
Hash: SHA1
Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
| You see, one approach I sometimes favour (and I've been working towards
| this in ACLs, for instance) is not to have any defaults. All legal
| parameters MUST be present in a configuration file, and implementations
| shoudl bail out if any is absent; issues may arise when parameters are
| incompatible, but some crafting should allow this to be worked out (e.g.
| allowing a value of "undefined" for those that are incompatible).
| course, users should be given up-to-date templates to start with, so
| don't really have to read ALL about ANY parameter to be able to simply
| "give it a try". I think defaults really make things
tricky, because they
| hide a lot of knowlegde about what can be important and even about how
| things behave, and then one always needs to remember (or look up) default
| values; this approach would really make things simpler, because everything
| would be in the slapd.conf. Would you consider this a better approach?
I don't think Frank meant that there should be compiled-in defaults, but
that the config files should have good defaults.
We ship a default slapd.access.conf which we include into slapd.conf,
with some comments on it, so that at least:
- -users/admins don't end up with no ACLs protecting passwords (I have
seen this far too often on servers running other distros ... including
servers set up by colleagues)
- -users/admins see the features available with regex-based ACLs etc
- -can learn more easily how they work
In many cases, a user's first interaction with the available parameters
is in the default config file ... so it needs to cover all the critical
parameters (checkpointing, indexing and ACLs I think qualify)
Currently, the slapd.conf provided with the source distribution doesn't
have any active ACLs (and,it seems that ACLs outside the database
definition don't work anymore, and the example ACLs that are commented
out are outside database definitions) or a checkpoint entry in the
single example bdb database.
- --
Buchan Milne
Senior Support Technician
Obsidian Systems
RHCE (803004789010797)
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