User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)
>>The master is openldap-2.1.30 on FreeBSD4.9, the slave is
>>openldap-2.1.22 on RH-7.3.
BTW, 2.1.22 sucked as a replica (in my experience).
thanks for all the advice trying to fix this. In the end I swapped the
machines around, so the 2.1.30 is now the slave and 2.1.22 is the
master, and simply copied and pasted the relevant parts of slapd between
the them. updatedn I left as root. Lo and behold, slurpd replication
works flawlessly.
Just to reiterate, even though the config was fine on both machines,
2.1.30 could not replicate to 2.1.22, yielding a wide range of errors.