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Invalid Structural Object Class Chain (account/person)

I'm attempting to populate our LDAP database and I plan on using it for 
both authorization and as a corporate address book.  When I attempt to 
import the LDIF file I get the following.

ldapadd -a -W -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=anc.net,dc=anci" -f pwthoma.ldif
Enter LDAP Password:
adding new entry "uid=A0971217/-2663,ou=People,dc=anc.net,dc=anci"
ldapadd: update failed: uid=A0971217/-2663,ou=People,dc=anc.net,dc=anci
ldap_add: Object class violation (65)
additional info: invalid structural object class chain (account/person)

Now, I understand that the problem is that I've got the following in my 
LDIF file but what I don't know is what the preferred method of addressing 
this is.  I don't think modifying the account or person objectclass in 
their schema is ideal in this case as I'm sure they are defined that way 
for a reason.  I would, however, prefer to keep all this in the same ou 

Here is my LDIF file if it's helpful

dn: uid=A0971217/-2663,ou=People,dc=anc.net,dc=anci
objectClass: top
objectClass: account
objectClass: person
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: ANCIhr
#objectClass: ANCIRadius
uid: pwthoma
cn: Paul Thomas
gecos: Paul Thomas
userPassword: <DELETED>
shadowLastChange: 12571
loginShell: /usr/bin/bash
uidNumber: 24356
gidNumber: 100
homeDirectory: /u1/p/A0971217-2663
ANCIExt: 528
sn: Thomas
givenName: Paul
homePostalAddress: <DELETED>
localityName: <DELETED>
stateOrProvinceName: <DELETED>
postalCode: <DELETED>
homePhone: <DELETED>
telephoneNumber: <DELETED>
emailAddress: pwthoma@anc.net
mobileTelephoneNumber: <DELETED>
title: Customer Service Manager
ANCISocialSecuirty: <DELETED>
employeeNumber: <DELETED>
ANCIPayrollNumber: <DELETED>
#ANCIrealm: ##REALM##                   # Domain for RADIUS
#ANCICheckAttr: ##CHECKATTR##           # RADIUS Attribute
#ANCIReplyAttr: ##REPLYATTR##           # RADIUS Attribute
#ANCIFileName: ##FILENAME##             # passwd.www and/or passwd
#ANCIPasswdID: ##PASSWDID##             # RADIUS Attribute
#ANCIClearPass: ##CLEAR_TEXT_PASS##     # Clear Text Password for RADIUS
#ANCINode: ##PRIMARY_NODE##             # Primary Node for BAMS