Hi Quanah,
Keeping in mind your suggestions and documentation you've provided I
successfully added all my data. Thanx a lot indeed.
You know what I've found in addition? I am afraid there is no
understanding of what hardware one should use to deploy a directory, or
at least I did not have any. Funny isn't it? With this I would like to
say that population of my berkeley backend on sun 480 connected to ESS
took about 1 hour whereas the same operation on sun 100 with usual
harddisk takes about 50 hours.
It could be helpful for others if we could collect simple some data to
show people what performance should they expect choosing this or that
hardware ....
In my case as I have mentioned already it was 80000 entries with ca. 50
attributes, all of them indexed, most of them indexed like pres,eq,sub,
few of them like pres,eq,sub,approx, the rest just pres,eq or even only
Thanx a lot again and best regards, vadim tarassov.