I've got openldap running on a Solaris 8 machine (dog), set up to use
nsswitch and pam. Authentication against the LDAP directory succeeds if
I log in directly to this machine, but when trying to log in to another
machine (cat) configured to reference dog's LDAP directory,
authentication fails. Observing dog's slapd log shows over a hundred
lines being written when logging into dog, but only some 10 or so when
trying to log in to cat. Both dog and cat have essentially similar
pam.conf, ldap.conf, and nsswitch.conf files. I am using PADL's
pam_ldap and nss_ldap modules on both machines.
I've been referencing Carter's LDAP System Adminstration book and the Sun
blueprints book but neither deal with this kind of utter failure.