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script MySQL ldap DONE, and some questions

Hi dear ldap gurus, hehehe
after a long time studying ldap and mysql, "specially" back-sql (didn't work for mysql databases)
i wrote a perl script to write my entire users table to an ldiff and then add this one to openldap server.
This are my fields in users table
Nombre                      Apellido1                             Apellido2             correo             Empresa
Nombre= Name
Apellido1= surname
Apellido2= Like a 2nd surname
I have a problem, my sql database have users that have the same name, surname, 2nd surname, but the email isn't the same, and the company is the same, Example
Nombre                    Apellido1                                Apellido2            correo                                            Empresa
Francisco                  Otero                                        Manresa        francis@mathisa.minbas.cu           Mathisa
Francisco                  Otero                                        Manresa        admin@mathisa.minbas.cu            Mathisa
i have an script called empresas.pl: 
it goes to the sql database and select all from empresa field.
and then it writes all that in an ldiff called empresas.ldif
that ldif contents a match from Empresa Field to OU: Example
dn: ou=Mathisa,o=minbas,c=cu
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Mathisa
i do an ldapadd .... empresas.ldif  to create the OUs in the ldap server
i have other script called sql2ldap.pl
it goes to the sql database and select all from Nombre, Apellido1, Apellido2, correo and empresa
and writes all to an ldiff called bd.ldif
the ldif contentes a match like this
Nombre -----------------------------> cn
Apellido 1    Apellido 2 --------> sn
Empresa --------------------------> ou
correo -----------------------------> mail
and my ldif i like this
dn: cn=Francisco Javier Otero Manresa,ou=Mathisa,o=minbas,c=cu
objectclass: top
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: Francisco Javier
sn: Otero Manresa
ou: Mathisa
dn: cn=Francisco Javier Otero Manresa,ou=Mathisa,o=minbas,c=cu
objectclass: top
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: Francisco Javier
sn: Otero Manresa
ou: Emp. de Materiales Higienicos Sanitarios MATHISA
mail: francisco@mathisa.minbas.cu
As all can see i have the same CN and i want to add the 2 entries
What to do?
2nd Question
When i add an ldif to the ldap server where does ldapadd put the entries?
a file?
P.D Sorry about the big mail.......