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Re: One user in different OU's

Colin Chalmers wrote:

Hi all,

I'm just trying to touch base with how I perceive Ldap to work, which I
think is along the Netscape lines.

An OrgPerson is part of the people OU such as ou=people,o=company,c=nl

But what I really want to do is associate that person with an actual ou,
or several ou's actually. So I would have all my users in ou=people but
that same person is also part of ou=development AND ou=sales.
I'm not sure how I can define this(in Ldif), if it's correct use of Ldap
and if one doesn't get conflicts with DN's, which are supposed to uniquely
identify a user.

Just try specifying multiple values for the ou attribute by listing it on multiple lines, e.g.:

ou: people
ou: sales
ou: development

A search filter (ou=people) should match that entry, as well as (ou=sales) and (ou=development).

Best regards,
   Aleksander Adamowski
       Corporate systems administrator
       Altkom Akademia S.A.