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Re: Openlap and BDB updates: update question


Tony Earnshaw <tonye@billy.demon.nl> writes:

> lør, 07.02.2004 kl. 03.02 skrev Quanah Gibson-Mount:

> Please give details of your options to ./configure. A couple of things
> in your ldd output have nothing whatsoever to do with Ace's or my Linux,
> so they are useless to both of us. The specific Solaris bits I
> personally know a bit about, from my Solaris days, plus how Sun's
> collective minds work (namely just as often "XOR", as not - no
> consequentiality about Sun, as opposed to Linus Torvalds).
>>         libdb-4.2.so =>  /usr/local/lib/libdb-4.2.so

you should disable static linked libraries, that is:


Dieter Kluenter  | Systemberatung
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