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Re: Quick Start Guide - newbie question

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> So with  ldapsearch -x -h localhost -b 'dc=bakerbates,dc=com'
> '(objectclass=*)' I get:
> result: 0 Success
> So... does that mean I'm working? Or not? "Result: 0 Success"  - is that
> what's meant by "returning all matches" then?


Let me explain.

First of all, you are able to contact your ldapserver, so that part is 
working. Hurrah! Success!

Secondly, you retrieved all matches. However, none of your entries matched!
Hence: result 0.

Now you need to ask yourself, why is none of my entries matching?

Here's two clues:

1. you are binding to the ldapserver as 'anonymous'. That means, you are 
viewing the contents of the directory as a very special and beloved user, the 
'anonymous' user. It might well be that the user 'anonymous' has no 
permissions to see any of the existing entries. So, for this anonymous user, 
the directory, is, well.... empty.

Try reading  http://www.openldap.org/faq/index.cgi?file=320
for a little information on ACL's.

2. Oh... So maybe binding as anonymous is not such a good idea (depending on 
your ACL). Try, on the command-line,

	man ldapsearch

which is what the clever people on this and any other list mean when they 
refer to 'ldapsearch(1)' or 'slapd.access(5)' or 'slapd(8)' 

Whenever you see such thing, forget about the (1), (5), (8) and just do
	man slapd.access
	man slapd

or, if you really want to know about (1), (5) and (8), do

	man man

Please note that the last line of the 'manpage' looks something like this:

	OpenLDAP 2.1.25             2003-12-05              LDAPSEARCH(1)

It denotes the version of the man page, which SHOULD be the same version as 
the software you are running. If you post to this list, ALWAYS name the 
version of OpenLDAP you are running, preferably also what Operating System 
you are running, and possibly versions of other software that is intertwined 
with openLDAP.

Good luck,


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