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Re: Slaves taking up 100% cpu

--On Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:43 PM -0800 Jeff Leung <jeffleung@mac.com> wrote:

Maybe we are confusing each other with different vocabulary. When I mean
search filter, I am not including the base DN.

We use JLDAP for queries. The search API looks like:

  public LDAPSearchQueue search (java.lang.String base,
                                 int scope,
                                 java.lang.String filter,
                                 java.lang.String[] attrs,
                                 boolean typesOnly,
                                 LDAPSearchQueue queue)
                          throws LDAPException

  Asynchronously performs the search specified by the parameters.

  base - The base distinguished name to search from.

  scope - The scope of the entries to search. The following
          are the valid options:
          SCOPE_BASE - searches only the base DN
          SCOPE_ONE - searches only entries under the base DN
          SCOPE_SUB - searches the base DN and all entries
                      within its subtree

  filter - Search filter specifying the search criteria.

  attrs - Names of attributes to retrieve.

  typesOnly - If true, returns the names but not the values of
              the attributes found.  If false, returns the
              names and values for attributes found.

I specify a value for base, but pass null for filter.


Interesting searching method... I'd be curious to see the output of one of your queries from the slapd log at a level 256 or so logging level (in slapd.conf). If you are truly doing a base DN search, then your performance should be extremely fast with minimal load on the CPU. That doesn't seem to be what is happening here though.


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Developer
ITSS/TSS/Computing Systems
ITSS/TSS/Infrastructure Operations
Stanford University
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html