I have made some changes. Now I am
Adding new entry “dc=DDYNETEST,dc=ORG
Ldapadd: update failed: dc=DDYNETEST,dc=ORG
Ldap_add: already exists (68)
Is this what I should be getting?
Thomas Browner
Digidyne, Inc
Technical Engineer
-----Original Message-----
From: David Parker
Sent: Monday, January
19, 2004 10:41 AM
To: Thomas Browner
Subject: RE: invalid credentials
Hi. The first thing to
do, assuming that you are trying to bind with the root DN, is to make sure your
"-D" value matches what is defined in your slapd.conf, if you have
access to that. Normally when sites use the "dc=foo" for of
organization, there are multiple "dc" components of a DN, though I
don't think it's required.
Behalf Of Thomas Browner
Sent: Monday, January
19, 2004 11:16 AM
To: OpenLDAP-software@OpenLDAP.org
Subject: invalid credentials
I am a new LDAP so I hope you all
will help me. When I go to run this command ldapadd –x –h localhost –D
“cn=manager,dc=ORG” –f base.ldif –W
I get the following error: ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
Could some on help to solve my
Thomas Browner
Digidyne, Inc
Technical Engineer