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Re: Perl LDAP where for help?


On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 02:46:38PM -0600, Gary Allen Vollink wrote:
> The LDAP libs seem happy to return an entry, but will only return the 
> first value in a multi-valued pair.  "ou" specifically, is loaded with a 
> few gems that I need to get to.  

I wrote an introductory article to perl-ldap, that was published on
Linux Journal's website earlier this year:


To get all the values for a multivalued attribute, you have to ask for
them in an array context ( eg,   @array = $entry->get_value("ou");   )

Quick overview of what you have to do, without any error checking or
accounting for my lack of sleep:

$ldap = Net::LDAP->new("server.wherever.com");
$ldap->bind("cn=your bind dn,dc=whatever",password=>"secret");

$mesg = $ldap->search(filter=>"uid=whoever",base=>"dc=whatever");

# Let's assume the first entry is the one we want. Not good for
# real life situations.
$entry = $mesg->entry(0); 	

# To get all values for a multi-valued attribute, ask for it in
# an array context
@ou = $entry->get_value("ou");

Hope that helps,


Paul Dwerryhouse						| PGP Key ID: 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (X) <-> Melbourne, Australia ( )	| 0x6B91B584