With a high peak of CPU % (that is 0%idle), our database (in activity)
seems to be corrupted ?
A "ldapsearch" request works very very slowly : 1mn instead of 23ms
even if the CPU % becomes again normal
We noted that there are 2 files id2entry.bdb and log.0000000012 which
seem to be concerned
by this problem of corrupted database
But what does it mean id2entry.bdb ? for what is used it ?
and how can I do in order to analyse the log file log.0000000012 because
it's a binary file ?
How can I understand why ma database was corrupted ??
I know that with the command "db_recover" when slapd is not running
enables to rebuilt correctly my database
and after restarting openldap again my "ldapsearch" request takes only
But it's not an acceptable solution ?
Please do you have an idea about this pb or how can I do to analyse
it ?
Best regards,
Working Environment :
Linux redhat 7.3