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Re: ldap not very helpful

ldap@linuxpro.co.za writes:

> I have got the following error now
> adding new entry "cn=Manager,o=domain-name"
> ldap_add: Invalid syntax
>         additional info: objectClass: value #10 invalid per syntax
> ldif_record() = 21
> I have removed all wite space
> and changed dn: to dn:cn=Manager,o=domain-name

>>> dn: dc=ldap,dc=domain-name,dc=org
>>>     objectClass: top
>>>     objectClass: dcObject
>>>     objectClass: organization
>>>     dc: domain-name
>>>     o: domain-name
>>>     description: Full Company Name Domain
>> [snip]

Your root entry is dc=ldap,dc=domain-name,dc=org
Thus any entry must be lelow this root entry.
cn=Manager,o=domain-name is not part of your root.

Dieter Kluenter  | Systemberatung
Tel:040.64861967 | Fax: 040.64891521
mailto: dkluenter(at)dkluenter.de