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Re: SHA1 password in LDIF files

I use something like:

Passwd= `slappasswd -h {CRYPT} -s $passwd`

in a script.


tsg wrote:

With ldappassword you can set user password to existing directory, but I need to create passwords for users before directory set up and then, populate it.

CRYPTED_PASSWD=`/usr/sbin/slappasswd -s $PASSWD`
This clause works fine for superuser password in slapd.conf, but when I try to use it for normal users in LDIF format, it does not work and I can't understand why.

16 Август 2003 17:49, Вы написали:

this is the one I have been asking ?

YOu can created ldif file, but how to generate hashed password?
Basically if you do ldappasswd -h you wil get usage and options.
usage: ldappasswd [options] [user]
I guess thats how you generate user passwords.
But Can you imagine doing that for 1000 users, if you are not migrating
/etc/passwd files

tsg <tsg@bugalux.com> wrote:
Does enybody know how to create userPassword clause in LDIF file?
Thank You in advance!

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