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Problems with SASL & openLDAP

Another newbie problem

I have openLDAP 2.1.22 installed on a RH9 machine with cyrus-sasl-2.1.10-4.

I have added users to the openLDAP database using cleartext passwords as follows

dn: cn=First User,ou=MemberGroupA,dc=example,dc=com
ou: MemberGroupA
cn: First User
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: firstuser
userPassword: cleartext

I have made an entry in sldap.conf following the guides

password-hash {CLEARTEXT}

# database access control definitions
access to attr=userPassword
         by self write
         by anonymous auth
         by dn.base="cn=Manager,dc=exmaple,dc=com" write
         by * none

If I use the standard /etc/init.d/saslauthd start a "ps -ef | grep sasl" gives

root 22723 1 0 Aug18 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/run/saslauthd/mux -a shadow

When I try to change the ldappasswd I get the following

[root@test root]# ldappasswd firstuser
SASL/DIGEST-MD5 authentication started
Please enter your password:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Internal (implementation specific) error (80)
       additional info: SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database

I have not yet gone onto Mapping Authentication identities to LDAP entries section of the openLDAP sasl guide. However I am unclear wether the starting of saslauthd using the "-a shadow" shown above is correct.

The sasl2 libraries are all there as expected in /usr/lib/sasl2, trying to use saslpasswd2 also gives errors!!!

Am I treading the correct path! or have I made a dumbo error already. I am leading towards a sasl/ldap config issue given the "secret in database" error given above when the ldappasswd command is entered.



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