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Re: still unclear on error 69
Jon Roberts wrote:
I read your post. Did you read mine?
Dunno. But I remember clearly what it's all about.
Try it yourself. Assume and entry:
dn: cn=Mama, ou=People, o=family.org
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
cn: Mama
sn: Jones
Then try to implement the LDIF:
dn: cn=Mama, ou=People, o=family.org
changetype: modify
add: objectclass
objectclass: organizationalperson
And with ldapmodify you will get:
modifying entry "cn=Mama, ou=People, o=family.org"
ldapmodify: update failed: cn=Mama, ou=People, o=family.org
ldap_modify: Cannot modify object class (69)
additional info: structural object class modification from
'person' to 'organizationalperson' not allowed
Looks like Mama has to stay in the kitchen :(
Nailed it!
> additional info: structural object class modification from
> 'person' to 'organizationalperson' not allowed
O.k. ldapmodify is telling you that you cannot change a person to an
organizationalPerson. But you can add an organizationalPerson to a
person. Those are the rules. I didn't make them up, but Openldap 2.1 is
pretty strict about them. 2.0 wasn't.
Try *adding* the following 'ldapadd' ldif entry:
dn: cn=Mamma2,ou=people,o=family.org
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
sn: Jones
cn: Mamma2
Don't say it doesn't work, I just did it for you.
"Oh, but that's not what I want." says Jon. "I want to modify."
Nevertheless, that's what you are going to have to work around. Remember
the hierarchy I described? Your Internet site is all about hierarchy, so
you should be able to understand.
What you can do, is on your old 2.0.x machine do an 'slapcat -l
ldif-file'. Then you get an ldif file that can be used with 2.1, but
which will have to be edited. Transfer that to your new 2.1 machine and
do 'slapadd -l ldif-file'. It will barf all over the place. So you edit
your ldif file and gradually change each objectclass and attribute for
each entry, until it does not barf any more. You can do vi's
':g/whatihad/s//whatiwant/gc' can't you? If not, now's a good time to
learn :) Don't forget what ^ and $ mean in vi. I just had to do it for a
high school in Amsterdam - all the students, all the lecturers, all the
machines etc. etc. Took me a morning to do.
If you're using a gtk Unix/Linux, consider compiling and installing GQ
0.7.0b2. It'll teach you a lot. That's how I learned.
Tony Earnshaw
Looking backwards is always easy with hindsight
Mail: tonni@billy.demon.nl