I tried to create an entry in OpenLdap, ldap
return error 21: value #0 invalid per syntax. I have an empty attribute ( zero
lenght IA5String ), is this the reason cause the error?
4.3.15 IA5 String
A value of the IA5 String syntax is a string of zero, one or more characters from International Alphabet 5 (IA5) [T.50], the international version of the ASCII character set. The LDAP-specific encoding of a value of this syntax is the unconverted string of characters, which conforms to the <IA5String> rule in Section 4.2. Legg & Dally Expires 3 December 2003 [Page 15] INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP: Syntaxes and Matching Rules June 3, 2003 The LDAP definition for the IA5 String syntax is: ( DESC 'IA5 String' ) This syntax corresponds to the IA5String ASN.1 type from [ASN.1]. Please advice,
- Joe