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Re: Exporting LDIF from Outlook

I want to contribute to the article of Joe Walker from 2000.
I have added some functionality to his Exporting LDIF from Outlook VBA
Script, and I think that I have made some corrections that were at least
needed in my openldap V2 installation on a SuSE 8.1 Linux.

The major changes I made are the attributes in Joe's script that did not
comply with the corresponding rfc's 
and that of cause leaded to errors. Some more errors occurred because the
Outlook data in my contact folder was not very well in order. I made some
provisions in the script to deal with these problems.

And I have build in some logic for german umlauts and some french letters
that I needed for the names that are in my contacts folder.

I would greatly appreciate if there would be somebody who still improves
this piece of code that at least exported my own data very well.

The first thing I did was to insert the schema definitions

/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema

in the slapd.conf file.

Then I exported my addresses from the Outlook contact folder using the macro
LDIFExport of the macro package that follows. The Script puts everything in
the file 


In order to use the script you will have to change the variable "Root" in
order to fit your data.

I have also added a macro LDIFDelete that will produce a file as input for
ldapmodify in order to delete all the entries that are in the contacts
folder of Outlook from the LDAP database. I found it handy for my
experiments with my chaotic data.

By the way: My Outlook version is Outlook 2002 SP 2. You have to activate
script execution in order to use this script.

Of course you may use my version of the script under the same conditions as
the previous version.

Here is the Script:
---------------------- schnipp ---------------

Dim addout As Integer

Sub LDIFDelete()

  Dim contacts As MAPIFolder
  Dim contact As ContactItem
  Dim Root As String
  Dim Eigenschaft As String
  Root = "ou=contacts,dc=example,dc=com"
  Set contacts = GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)


  For Each contact In contacts.Items
    Eigenschaft = contact.FirstName + " " + contact.LastName
    If Trim(Eigenschaft) = "" Then
        Eigenschaft = contact.CompanyName
    End If
    If Trim(Eigenschaft) <> "" Then
        FieldOutput "dn", "cn=" + Eigenschaft + _
                    ", " + Root
        FieldOutput "changetype", "delete"
    End If


End Sub

Sub LDIFExport()

  Dim contacts As MAPIFolder
  Dim contact As ContactItem
  Dim Root As String
  Dim Eigenschaft As String
  Root = "ou=contacts,dc=example,dc=com"
  Set contacts = GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)


  For Each contact In contacts.Items
    Eigenschaft = Trim(contact.FirstName)
    If Eigenschaft <> "" Then
        Eigenschaft = Eigenschaft + " "
    End If
    Eigenschaft = Eigenschaft + Trim(contact.LastName)
    If Trim(Eigenschaft) = "" Then
        Eigenschaft = contact.CompanyName
    End If
    If Trim(Eigenschaft) <> "" Then
        FieldOutput "dn", "cn=" + Eigenschaft + _
                    ", " + Root
        ' FieldOutput "te", contact.LastFirstSpaceOnly
        FieldOutput "cn", Eigenschaft
        FieldOutput "givenName", contact.FirstName
        If Trim(contact.LastName) <> "" Then
            FieldOutput "sn", contact.LastName
        ElseIf Trim(contact.CompanyName) <> "" Then
            FieldOutput "sn", contact.CompanyName
            FieldOutput "sn", "unknown"
        End If
        FieldOutput "cn", contact.NickName
        FieldOutput "title", contact.Title
        FieldOutput "mail", contact.Email1Address
        FieldOutput "mail", contact.Email2Address
        FieldOutput "mail", contact.Email3Address
        FieldOutput "homePhone", contact.HomeTelephoneNumber
        FieldOutput "mobile", contact.MobileTelephoneNumber
        FieldOutput "labeledURI", contact.WebPage
        FieldOutput "telephoneNumber", contact.BusinessTelephoneNumber
        FieldOutput "facsimileTelephoneNumber", contact.BusinessFaxNumber
        FieldOutput "physicalOfficeDeliveryName", contact.OfficeLocation
        FieldOutput "ou", contact.CompanyName
        FieldOutput "description", contact.BusinessHomePage
        ' FieldOutput "", contact.MiddleName
        FieldOutput "homePostalAddress", contact.HomeAddress
        FieldOutput "facsimileTelephoneNumber", contact.OtherFaxNumber
        FieldOutput "postalAddress", contact.BusinessAddress
        FieldOutput "st", contact.BusinessAddressState
        If contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode <> "" Then
            FieldOutput "postalCode", contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode
            FieldOutput "l", contact.BusinessAddressCity
            FieldOutput "postalCode", contact.HomeAddressPostalCode
            FieldOutput "l", contact.HomeAddressCity
        End If
        If contact.BusinessAddressCountry <> "" Then
            FieldOutput "ou", contact.BusinessAddressCountry
            FieldOutput "ou", contact.HomeAddressCountry
        End If
        FieldOutput "ou", contact.Department
        ' FieldOutput "description", contact.Body
        FieldOutput "objectclass", "person"
        FieldOutput "objectclass", "organizationalPerson"
        FieldOutput "objectclass", "inetOrgPerson"
    End If


End Sub

Sub FieldOutput(ldifprop As String, olprop As String)

  Dim newolprop As String
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim temp As String

  newolprop = Trim(olprop)
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, vbCrLf, "$")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, vbCr, "$")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, vbLf, "$")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, " ,", ",")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, " & ", " and ")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "ö", "oe")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "ä", "ae")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "ü", "ue")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "Ü", "Ue")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "Ö", "Oe")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "Ä", "Ae")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "ß", "ss")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "é", "e")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "ó", "o")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "à", "a")
  newolprop = Swap(newolprop, "+", " and ")
  newolprop = Trim(newolprop)

  If newolprop = "" Then
    Exit Sub
  End If

  AddOutput Trim(ldifprop) + ": " + newolprop

End Sub

Function Swap(orig As String, from As String, repl As String) As String

  Dim pos As Integer

  Swap = orig


    pos = InStr(Swap, from)

    If pos = 0 Then
      Exit Do
    End If

    Swap = Mid$(Swap, 1, pos - 1) & repl & Mid$(Swap, pos + Len(from))


End Function

Sub ObjectEnd()

  AddOutput ""

End Sub

Sub AddOutput(line As String)

  Print #addout, line

End Sub

Sub InitOutput()

  addout = FreeFile
  Open "C:\Temp\Adressen.ldif" For Output As addout

End Sub

Sub DeInitOutput()

  Close addout

End Sub

------------------ schnipp -------------------------

I hope that my improvements may help you somehow.

With regards,
Gerd Koslowski