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Re: about "referral objectclass"

Toshihiro Sonoda wrote:
> Hi,
> I think that ldapsearch and ldapadd can not interpret referral response form
> ldap server, they talk with.
> Is it right?
>>I try to use "referral objectclass".
>>My environment is:
>>HOST-A is superior.
>>HOST-B is subordinate.
>>and I add following referral objectclass on HOST-A
>>dn: dc=subtree,st=Hyogo,c=JP
>>objectClass: referral
>>objectClass: extensibleObject
>>dc: subtree
>>ref: ldap://HOST-B/dc=subtree,st=Hyogo,c=JP
>>After that, if I try to add following object on HOST-B,
>>dn: cn=Jon,dc=subtree,st=Hyogo,c=JP
>>objectClass: person
>>objectClass: residenstialPerson
>>cn: Jon
>>l: BBB
>>sn: Jon
>>then, I see following error,
>>adding new entry "dc=subtree,st=Hyogo,c=JP"
>>ldapadd: update failed: dc=subtree,st=Hyogo,c=JP
>>ldap_add: Referral (10)
>>             referrals:
>>                        ldap://HOST-A/dc=subtree,st=Hyogo,c=JP
>>Thank you for  some advices!!

Yes, they dont handle referrals (I think I read it somewhere in the
manual pages). You have to handle it on the client-side depending on the
10 --> read referral address and repeat action with new address.

Kind regards,


Christian Pohl

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